Support That Makes a Difference


Being a student is a completely new world and whilst it can be a huge amount of fun it can present you with many new challenges. Living independently can be daunting and difficult to manage. You may have problems with feeling lonely, trying to fit in with new friendship groups, or struggling with your identity.

Workloads and deadlines can seem overwhelming and you may feel very stressed and find it difficult to cope.

There may be issues from your childhood that you want to explore and try to resolve or come to terms with.

I have counselled students at college and university so please contact me if you would like to get help.

Young People 13+

Young people want a happy and healthy life but with the stress and issues of modern day living they can often struggle.

The stress of exams, issues with friendship groups, self-esteem, the effect of social media can all play a role in how young people feel.

It is a time of huge change for young people as they move from childhood into becoming young adults. This can bring identity and relationship problems which they may find difficult to manage.

There may be changes within the family, or life circumstances that they are being presented with for the first time and struggling to manage their feelings.

As part of my working week, I work as school counsellor in secondary schools and have extensive experience and understanding of the difficulties young people face. In addition, I am a member of the BACP School & College Expert Reference Group.

What is talked about during counselling is confidential, this means that what happens within counselling sessions is not discussed with parents or carers unless the young person requests it. However, safety and welfare of young people is paramount and there are circumstances when information shared in confidence needs to be passed on. This is clearly explained at the start of counselling.

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